Easter Friday we met in Hendrik’s old Watermill, starting glazing and preparing the kiln for the fire.
The week before we prepared all the wood which is necessary for a wood fire.
Easter Friday became a very long day; all the glazed pottery had to be placed very carefully inside the kiln and the kiln had to be cosed.
Next day we started very early, outside still winterish and cold- and litt he fire all together around 6.30.we increased the temperature approximately about 100 degree’s per hour. The sun showed up at midday and became spring. At 4 pm we reaches 1.300 degree. From now on we kept this very high temperature for about 2 hours. After closing the the kiln we left exhausted after the long day.
Now we let the kiln cool down the entire Easter Sundday and watched the Sunrise instead from Hochwald, the second highest mountain in the Zittau Mountains.
The opening of the kiln on Easter Monday was a suspense like always: What did the fire print on our tea bowls this time? We were surprised what we discoverd....